I doubt if many people realize that "robo balls" such as these will comprise around 50% of all urban robots in the future
When i first developed the technology back in the 70's computing power & battery power was very limited and the project was shelved.
The key advantages of roboballs (rollerballs)in urban environments is as follows simplicity & low cost user friendly appearance (non threatening) most urban environments tend to be quite flat (so do lakes and swimming pools) applications once the AI of the base station is fully developed they will be employed to aid people with physical and sensory impairment (in a similar manner to a dog for the blind )
all terrain versions will find be very useful for shooting and fishing & conservation (target location,tracking & retrieval)
security is another application - patrolling offices and shopping malls out of hours
they also make very effective guides (museum,theme park,conference halls and arenas)
another role is that of TV presenter rolling round the desk (small) and studio floor (large)
(an early demo i built was quite entertaining reading the news & delivering weather reports) and was also used to tell jokes in a childrens TV pilot show & adlib with the human co presenter) {personality was a cross between Maxheadroom & Orac of blakes7}
where AI is limited telecommunication with a human acting as a base station is quite sufficient
so i wasn't kidding when i make the prediction that 50% of all urban bots will be rollerballs
though i doubt that your company will be able to fully capitalize on its potential as the R&D resources (time/ money / ability) required to fine tune the product to the various niche markets
--------------------------------------------- Unfortunately robotics we will stagger haphazardly into the future (like the laser its an invention looking for an application ) its true market value overlooked,undervalued
This will continue until such time as that company like the ASIMOVS fictional "US Robotics" is created. Only then will you be able to have the "money" people and the "robosmart" people sat round the same table & be able to hit the EXPONENTIAL BUTTON
cheque in the post please did i mention i was a genius ?